Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My 18 month old

Time flies when you are having fun. I am loving Austin at 18 months old. He is full of wild and crazy energy and learning so much everyday. I cant say every minute is "fun" as my little wild child can throw some pretty amazing tantrums. For some reason he likes to throw tantrums while I have a cart full of groceries at the store or when I am trying to get ready in the morning. Anyway in the past month he has really started talking. I was getting worried because right at his 18 month checkup he only said cracker, banana, mama and dada. I told myself that when we got home from out trip to Canada I was going to look into "First Steps" which is a government program that evaluates children. Then all of a sudden in Canada he had a language explosion. He really says the cutest things like:

CooCoo- Cookie or muffin (I keep telling him the word muffin but he always says coocoo)
Bup- Up
Baball- basketball (which are everywhere I might add due to March Madness)
Dah- Dog
Cah- Car
Na!- More
ChooChoo- Train

His likes:
Basketballs or any type of ball really
Trains, cars, airplanes, trucks, buses (and he names them constantly while I am driving)
Snacks (he could be happy eating snacks all day and no meals)
Blowing his nose
Giving hugs and kisses
Going to bed at night- this is a weird one but he really does. When I tell him it is time for "night night" he runs into the bathroom to brush his teeth then kisses Hans and I goodnight. So thankful for that!

His Dislikes:
Waking up from naps (hello grumpy pants)
Getting his diaper changed
Eating in a high chair
When Mommy and Daddy leave (cant blame him because we are pretty awesome :-))


Heather Mills said...

Oh how we love our Austy! What a handsome little devil!

Teresa said...

I can't believe how fast he is growing. So adorable.